Libretto: Aino Laos & Elmar Ottenthal
Music, concept & co-production: Frank Nimsgern
World premiere 2010 Staatstheater Saarbrücken

Info on this musical and performance rights at:

At the center of Frank Nimsgern's musical is Giorgio Phantasma (Mischa Mang), the greatest show star of all time, who is to celebrate his comeback after a long absence from the stage. Before that, however, he has to answer the questions of presenter Brenda de Ville (Aino Laos) in an interview. Did Phantasma sell his heart to the mysterious Professor Marvel (Darius Merstein-MacLeod) for success? Is that where his fabulous success comes from? - Is he really doomed to perpetual misfortune and suffering? What terrible secret surrounds the show star? Phantasma takes Brenda on a journey back in time to the stations of his extraordinary life: to the sophisticated Paris of the Can Can, where he fell in love with the artificial creature Marionetta; to the wild 30s of Chicago when his lover Julia was shot before his eyes, and to the pop New York of the 70s, where his wife Antonia sings again for his sake and will therefore die. Is the "Professor" finally reaching for his heart? Inspired by sources such as Jacques Offenbach's "Tales of Hoffmann" or even the "Faust" material, Frank Nimsgern, Aino Laos and Elmar Ottenthal tell a modern myth about the high price of fame at the expense of love and happiness.

Libretto: Aino Laos & Elmar Ottenthal
Music, Concept & Co-Production: F.N.

Staatstheater Saarbrücken


Musik, Arrangements & Sounddesign: Frank Nimsgern
Inszenierung: Elmar Ottenthal
Choreographie: Jonathan Tilley
Bühne: Detlev Beaujean
Kostüme: Angela C. Schute

Giorgio Phantasma: Mischa Mang
Brenda de Ville: Aino Laos
Professor Marvel: Darius Merstein
Marionette, Julia: Michaela Kovarikova
Gopher: Maik Lohse

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